Email (only for public contact)


For documents and sensible informations please use protonmail

You are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:

Exchanges between Protonmail addresses are secure and encrypted from end to end. Your Protonmail address can be used on all your devices without installing any software, no personal information is required. To register, please go to:

Once your address is activated, you can write to us in complete confidentiality : here

send us documents with globaleaks


If you are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:


GlobaLeaks is free, open-source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.


Afin de protéger votre identité, il vous est fortement recommandé d’utiliser le Navigateur Tor pour accéder à ce site. Télécharger Tor.
Copier et coller ensuite l’adresse suivante dans le Navigateur Tor :



