Network of investigative journalists and activists

Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding

For Constructive journalism

Là où il y a de la lumière, il y a nécessairement de l’ombre, là où il y a de l’ombre, il y a nécessairement de la lumière.
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 (2009)

What is Wonderful news of the world?

A network of journalists & activists


Our platform is A NETWORK based on collaborative journalism in the public interest, pre-funded and pre-sourced by citizens, readers and members of the community. The readers’ community inform and request CONSTRUCTIVE INVESTIGATION to Wonderful news of the world on public interest topics like Heath, Planet care, Social problems, Injustice, Corruption…

For example, a citizen wants to know more about corruption of local authorities, about the pollution of a local factory…. So the citizen will become a source by sharing informations and documents (by our securised plateform) and a fundraiser to be coproducer of the investigation.

If enough people want to know more about the facts and when the story is pre-funded (crowdfunding) and pre-sourced (crowdsourcing) by the community of Wonderful news of the world, an editorial comitee will decide to mandate our journalists’ network to conduct investigations on various topics of public interest in Switzerland and outisde.

The report will then be available to the campaing’s subscribers or sold to other media. In the end of the process, all the reports will be solution-oriented. The community of readers of Wonderful news of the world will be activated to help to resolve the problem and offer solutions to society. They can create an association (crowdfunding) or take contact to NGO in charge of this kind of problem.

So information will be in the public interest, The reader will not only know but he can act and change the world.


You have information of public interest. You want to inform the world.


start a funding campaign to launch  investigation.


Une collection qui dérange

Guigoz: ce nom évoque le célèbre lait pour bébé qui avait défrayé la chronique dans les années 70 en Afrique. En Valais, il sonne comme le nom d’une collection sulfureuse léguée en 1968, par testament, aux Musées cantonaux par Edouard Guigoz, un cousin éloigné du créateur du célèbre lait pour bébé.
Enquête sur l’origine illégale d’une collection d’importance européenne et la cécité volontaire des autorités valaisannes.

lire plus



Laurent Mucchielli est sociologue, directeur de recherche au CNRS et enseignant à Aix-Marseille Université. Il a commencé dès mars 2020 une enquête sur la gestion politico-sanitaire de la crise de la Covid, dont l’intégralité peut être consultée sur le site Internet de son laboratoire. Il a récemment alerté sur « une mortalité vaccinale inédite » dans deux articles. Suite à ces publications, il a subi de nombreuses pressions et une campagne de dénigrement en France mais il continue à rendre public ce que de nombreux scientifiques taisent par peur des conséquences. Interview.



Sion, CH

Support wonderful new project of investigation: A collection that disturbes

82% récoltés
Nous avons déjà collecté CHF 2,470.00 sur CHF 3,000.00 que nous essayons de collecter pour cette campagne !

Our mission

To do the right thing – you have to be well-informed

We are a collaborative positive news provider


We want to reverse the reader-journalist relationship. It is the reader’s interest/public interest that will determine the matter of the press investigation. WNOWwill then investigate and identify the problem while giving leads for solutions.

Wonderful news of the world (WNOW) is based on collaborative public interest journalism, pre-funded by readers. The idea is to bring together on a single crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platform the network of investigative journalists with the network of activists to create a multiplier effect.

Providing positive news is to look on the bright side


We want to be a light revealer

The goal is to do a constructive and not destructive journalism. We want that our reader discover how wonderful is our world like Louis Amstrong was singing:

I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world

After the press report will be released on our plateform, community of our reader can take charge to act in creating associations or contacting existing NGO to campaign about the theme analyzed in the press report.


Best obtainable version of the truth

Constructive journalism is a response to increasing tabloidization, infotainnment, sensationalism and negativity bias of the news media today. It is an approach that aims to provide audiences with a fair, accurate and contextualised picture of the world, without overemphasizing the negative and what is going wrong.

Once public awareness about a particular problem has been risen (our crowdsourcing plateform), constructive journalism may – when relevant and appropriate – spark debate about what can be done about this issue now? Who has tried to solve it? Who has done this better? The aim is not to aggravate problems or spark conflict, but to facilitate critical debate about possible solutions so that the issue can be moved forward.  (source: Constructive Institute, Denmark). Constructive investigation is solution-oriented and not overemphasizing the negative. To quote investigative journalist, Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post Watergate team: “Journalism is the best obtainable version of the truth”. The aim of constructive journalism is to provide its audiences with the best obtainable version of the truth, whether positive or negative.

WHAT IS public interest?

Common good

Simply, the public interest is about what matters to everyone in society. It is about the common good, the general welfare and the security and well-being of everyone in the community we serve.

The public interest is not just what the readers, listeners or viewers want either as consumers or people who want to be entertained.

It is about issues which affect everyone, even if many of them are not aware of it or even if they don’t appear to care. The public interest is in having a safe, healthy and fully-functioning society. In a democracy, journalism plays a central role in that. It gives people the information they need to take part in the democratic process. That is why there is a public service ethic at the heart all of serious journalism. If journalists are good at their job, and to win the rust of the public they must hold governments and other institutions to account and they must act and behave ethically. (source: The Ethical Journalism Network).

Today infotainment is everywhere, just to sell more, a lot of editor in chief choose to overemphase the dark side of the society and the basic instincts of readers. Constructive journalist is a critical journalist but give the best obtainable version of the truth and not only the dark side of the news.

Is journalist an activist?

a critical but not negative

Constructive journalist can also seeks to facilitate public debate around possible solutions to important problems. Constructive journalism is not political activism. It believes in keeping a distance between journalism and politics. Journalist is not an activist but he can motivate activists with reporting. They can build concrete solutions for a better world and bring benefit for the society.

Our constructive journalism is based on the work of a great transformational wave in journalist today (Transformational media initiative, World best news, Solutions Journalism Network, Constructive Institut) :

  • a focus on progress, possibilities and solutions to the big challenges
  • a critical but not negative approach
  • adding perspective and looking at global trends – telling big stories through small examples
  • showing people who take action, rather than being passive victims
  • building relations with our readership by inspiring hope and belief that we can change the world

What is constructive journalism? RTS 2015


leak to us

If you are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:





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If you are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:

GlobaLeaks is free, open-source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.


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Wonderful news of the world