Journalism crowdsourcing is the act of specifically inviting a group of people to participate in a reporting task—such as newsgathering, data collection, or analysis—through a targeted, open call for input; personal experiences; documents; or other contributions.

Using that definition, most crowdsourcing generally takes two forms:

  • An unstructured call-out, which is an open invitation to vote, email, call, or otherwise contact a journalist with information.
  • A structured call-out, which engages in targeted outreach to ask people to respond to a specific request. Responses can enter a newsroom via multiple channels, including email, SMS, a website, or Google form. Often, they are captured in a searchable database.

You have informations about a subject or facts you want to share in the public interest. You can share it here. But please follow these guidelines:

  • Voting—prioritising which stories reporters should tackle.
  • Witnessing—sharing what you saw during a news event.
  • Sharing personal experiences—telling what you know about your life experience.
  • Tapping specialised expertise—contributing data or unique knowledge.
  • Completing a task—volunteering time or skills to help create a news story.
  • Engaging audiences—joining in call-outs that can range from informative to playful. (source: The Tow Center for Digital Journalism Columbia University)

The “sharing (of) personal experiences”  also means giving credit where it’s due and verifying original sources of information.





If you are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:




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send us documents with globaleaks


If you are aware of facts that are against the public interest or in the public interest, you can contact us in a secure and confidential manner:


GlobaLeaks is free, open-source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.


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The first interest is to work in the public interest. You won’t be a passive reader, you make that the people know a news of public interest. You can act to give informations to journalist to reporting about the facts. As regular source you will be an active member of Wonderful news of the world network and you will have access to other members, to journalists and to the stories. You can also become a fundraiser in starting a crowdfunding story. We protect our sources. In Switzerland, sources are protected by the law.

Journalists should be as transparent as possible about sources and methods so audiences can make their own assessment of the information.

As citizens encounter an ever-greater flow of data, they have more need – not less – for suppliers of information dedicated to finding and verifying the news and putting it in context.

Commitment to citizens also means journalism should seek to present a representative picture of constituent groups in society. Ignoring certain citizens has the effect of disenfranchising them.

Thus, write Kovach and Rosenstiel, “The first task of the new journalist/sense maker is to verify what information is reliable and then order it so people can grasp it efficiently.” A part of this new journalistic responsibility is “to provide citizens with the tools they need to extract knowledge for themselves from the undifferentiated flood or rumor, propaganda, gossip, fact, assertion, and allegation the communications system now produces.” (source: the Committee of Concerned Journalists — a consortium of reporters, editors, producers, publishers, owners and academics).

Our mission

We want to reverse the reader-journalist relationship. It is the reader’s interest/public interest that will determine the matter of report. We will then investigate and identify the problem while giving leads for solutions.

The goal is to do a constructive and not destructive journalism.

Then, associations can be created or existing NGO can be contacted to campaign about the theme analyzed in the press report.


The first attempts to articulate the rights and responsibilities of journalists were made more than 150 years ago at a time of confrontation between The Times of London and the British government.

Federation Internationale des Editeurs de Journaux Code of Newspaper Practice

  1. Press Freedom. A free press is the most effective safeguard of the freedom of expression, without which other fundamental civil liberties cannot be protected. The press should have the right to publish news and comment without hindrance to ensure that the public is full informed.
  2. Facts. Facts should be established and reported with impartiality.
  3. Separation of news and opinion. The difference between news and comment should be clearly drawn. This principle does not deprive a newspaper of the right to present its own view and the opinions of others.
  4. Recognition of different opinions. The press recognises and respects differences of opinion and favours the publication of alternative views. It opposes discrimination on grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, religion, ideology or conviction.
  5. Respect for human dignity. Publishers, editors-in-chief and journalists should respect the dignity and privacy of the individual and avoid intrusion into personal grief and suffering, unless considerations of public interest take precedence.
  6. Presentation of violence. Crime, terrorism, violence and other acts of brutality and inhumanity should not be glorified.
  7. Correction of falsehoods. Published facts and information that are later found to be false should be corrected without reservation.
  8. Protection of sources. Confidential sources of information are to be protected. Names of informants should not be divulged without their consent.
  9. Secrecy. The confidentiality of public and private affairs, as defined by law, should not be allowed o result in excessive secrecy in the reporting of important events. The public interest takes precedence.
  10. Human rights. Where the freedom of expression conflicts with other-established human rights, it is the responsibility of publishers and editors in chief to decide which right has precedence.
  11. Independence. Newspapers should not submit to external pressure, whether by governments, political parties, commercial interests or private individuals.
  12. Advertisements. Advertisements should be clearly identified to distinguish them from editorial matter.

Source: https://ethicaljournalismnetwork.org

Total sources


Total funded

98% récoltés
Nous avons déjà collecté CHF 15,730.00 sur CHF 16,000.00 que nous essayons de collecter pour cette campagne !



Wonderful news of the world